Welcome to the "Where Are You Now" Discovery Questionnaire.

This confidential questionnaire is designed to help individual business owners and their families and/or management teams gain a snapshot of:

  • The business / family situation
  • The nature of the obstacles that might derail the business / family from their preferred path
  • The areas where business planning activity / family consultation are most needed

Overall, the questionnaire is designed to provide a benchmark of where the business is now in terms of its day-to-day management and succession planning activities.

By having all those with an interest or involvement in the business complete the questionnaire (independently and in confidence), you can identify any differences of opinion or potential conflicts that need to be resolved in order to facilitate the development of a successful business and/or transition to next generation ownership and management.

Subsequent recompletion of the questionnaire will provide you with a clear indication of the progress made in addressing the initial concerns.

We invite you to first complete a free test run of our questionnaire to create a profile of the building blocks and concerns you believe exist today. Then, if you would like all key stakeholders to participate in the survey to gather a more detailed synopsis of the key issues, potential conflicts and building blocks for the future, simply complete the information following the results chart. We will send you more details on the process, together with instructions for each participant.

Should you require more information or prefer to speak to us first, please contact:

Wealth Advisory